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RivieraWaves announces the world’s first Bluetooth 3.0 qualified baseband IP

May 2, 2011

Sophia-Antipolis, France – May 2nd, 2011 – RivieraWaves announced today that it has successfully passed the Bluetooth Qualification with its Bluetooth 3.0 baseband Intellectual Property (IP).

“We are very proud to announce another world premiere, our Bluetooth 3.0 baseband IP is now qualified!” said Ange Aznar, President and CEO of RivieraWaves. “This confirms our leadership and footprint in the Bluetooth IP market”.

RivieraWaves has previously qualified the world’s first Bluetooth low energy baseband IP, and will shortly provide a complete dual mode Bluetooth low energy IP, also known as Bluetooth 4.0. RivieraWaves portfolio also includes a complete Bluetooth 4.0 radio transceiver IP, including the modem. RF test chips will be available this summer demonstrating a full dual mode Bluetooth 4.0 solution.

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