Parthus (formerly SSL) To Provide 65 Jobs in New Belfast IC Design Centre
September 25, 1998 - Parthus is establishing a new design centre
in Belfast which will result in 65 new high technology jobs over the next
three years. The Belfast design centre will focus on delivering leading
edge technology products to the global semiconductor industry.
Dr Alan Gillespie, Chairman, Industrial Development Board (IDB) and
Managing Director of Goldman Sachs International, officially opened the
IDB-backed investment today, Friday 25th September, at MacNeice House,
Malone Road, Belfast.
Commenting on the occasion, Dr Gillespie said: "This is an extremely
important investment for Northern Ireland's developing electronics
industry by an ambitious company which has gained an impressive reputation
as one of Europe's fastest growing technology enterprises."
Parthus is at the forefront of silicon integrated circuit design, a
dynamic technology which covers industries as diverse as consumer audio
and video equipment, engine management systems, mobile communications and
data processing.
"This new investment by Parthus will provide significant opportunities
for electronic engineers to work on advanced technology projects with a
company which has developed strategic alliances with many of the world's
most important and innovative corporations. It will also encourage and
provide an opportunity for people to come home from abroad," Dr Gillespie
Mr Brian Long, Chief Executive Officer, Parthus, said: "Our choice of
Belfast to provide the additional capacity required to meet our growth
targets, was influenced by the outstanding reputations of Queen's
University and the University of Ulster as international centres of
excellence in digital signal processing (DSP) technology."
"This expertise will help us as we develop our Belfast operation into a
key centre for the Company in the design and development of silicon
solutions for our partners", he added.