Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) Feature Detection Speeds Up Visual SLAM
In the realm of smart edge devices, signal processing and AI inferencing are intertwined. Sensing can require intense computation to …
Yael Newman is a team leader within the Ceva Vision Business unit, brings a total of 10 years of industry experience, 5 years of them in Ceva. Her team is responsible for developing the Ceva Vision-SDK, which encompasses a range of computer vision algorithms including SLAM, as well as AI operators. Yael holds a BSc in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. She has published papers in conferences such as Siggraph and Eurographics, as part of her MSc studies for Electrical Engineering in Tel-Aviv university.
In the realm of smart edge devices, signal processing and AI inferencing are intertwined. Sensing can require intense computation to …