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Can a Smartphone Take DSLR-Quality Pictures? Judge for Yourself…

March 13, 2017


Smartphones have pretty much eliminated the need for point-and-shoot pocket cameras. For a while now, they have even been threatening to replace professional rigs. As early as 2012, Time Magazine featured a cover shot snapped by an iPhone 4S, and recently a Sports Illustrated cover photo was shot with a Motorola Z and Billboard Magazine’s cover was taken using an iPhone 7 plus. As smartphones cameras improve, the market has come to expect DSLR-like image and video quality as well as DSLR-like features. But, until now, DSLRs have still been irreplaceable in certain cases.

Read the full article on Embedded Vision Alliance (English)

Read the full article on EEPW (Chinese)

Photo shot with the ASUS Zenfone 3 Zoom (Credit: CEVA)


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