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RivieraWaves Achieves 802.11n Certification; Announces Wi-Fi 802.11ac Silicon IP

December 3, 2012

Sophia Antipolis, France – December, 3 2012 – RivieraWaves, the leading wireless connectivity silicon IP (Intellectual Property) provider, announced IEEE Wi-Fi 11n certification of its new scalable Wi-Fi 802.11ac silicon IP. The IP is available in a broad range of configurations, supports 802.11n and 802.11ac specifications, single or multiple MIMO (Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output) streams, and up to four transmit and receive antennas. In its simplest 1×1 configuration, the IP is optimized for wireless sensors and many Internet of Things (IoT) applications requiring low power consumption. For more complex MIMO configurations, the IP can achieve optimized throughput close to the maximum theoretical values, and is ideal for applications such as smart phones, tablets, computers, digital TVs and set-top boxes.

Thanks to the increased bandwidth and more complex modulation, 802.11ac devices can achieve throughputs of around three times those of 802.11n devices. Other benefits of 802.11ac are better range and improved reliability, in particular for better gaming experiences and high-definition (HD) video streaming.

“RivieraWaves is proud to announce that its 802.11ac Wi-Fi IP has successfully passed Wi-Fi 802.11n certification,” said Ange Aznar, CEO of RivieraWaves. “Our new Wi-Fi IP is fully designed for enhanced Wi-Fi 802.11ac protocols expected to be ratified in 2013, and passing this important milestone confirms our commitment to provide the best Wi-Fi IP to our customers.”

RivieraWaves now has the broadest wireless connectivity IP portfolio with a complete offering for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The company’s Bluetooth portfolio contains Qualified Bluetooth, Bluetooth Smart and Bluetooth Smart Ready IPs, composed of baseband controllers, radio and protocol stacks.

About RivieraWaves

RivieraWaves is the leading wireless connectivity silicon IP provider and the only “one-stop shop” for semiconductor companies because of its proven Wi-Fi and Bluetooth IP families. The company’s IP portfolio includes hardware, software and analog/RF components for fast time to market, complemented by design services for customization and SoC integration. RivieraWaves is the ideal partner for semiconductor companies planning to deliver wireless connectivity ICs for the mobile, home entertainment, medical, sports & fitness, watch, industrial markets and other wireless sensor-based applications.

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