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Choosing The Best Vision System for Highly Automated Vehicles: Centralized or Edge Processing, Which is The Best Choice?

November 22, 2016


One of the most important attributes of a highly-automated vehicle (HAV) is its ability to see. Multiple computer vision sensors, distributed along the periphery of the vehicle, are what make HAVs ‘aware’ of their surroundings. This awareness is what enables decision making, whether it’s changing the course of the vehicle, or notifying the human driver to avoid a potential hazard. You can see a nice explanation about how vehicles ‘see’ in this TED talk:

There are two distinct approaches to managing this multitude of sensors: edge processing and centralized processing. In edge processing each sensor is a ‘smart sensor’ meaning it converts the sensory data input to relevant information and triggers a reaction. In centralized processing, each sensor is ‘dumb’, meaning it collects raw data without any processing and sends it to a central unit, which does all the processing and decision making.

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